Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Hello - I've come out of hibernation. It's been a long , cold winter up here in Idaho. But I plan on blogging everyday about topics that are relevant to me and, hopefully, to you to0. I actually just figured out how to get to my my blog page, so I don't have anything planned, but I do have a bit of good news

I read on AOL yesterday, in the "Animals in the News" section, that a species of bluebird had been seen in Ohio for the first time in 100 years. To me, that's as good as the economy bouncing back. Don't get me wrong, I realize the importance of a good economy. I'm in business. In fact, I started my business at the beginning of the down-turn, so it's a struggle. But with so much bad news, this bluebird sighting is good news on so many levels.

There's a ton of bad environmental news - global warming being the big one - so on the environmental front this little bird represents hope that our beautiful world will be okay. I'm not sure about the global warming thing. There are many conflicting reports out there, but it is true that many species are becoming extinct, for one reason or another, which pains me. Whether you like animals or not, and of course, I love them - all of them, we need animals to maintain our environment. And yes, I am a tree hogger. It makes me very angry, and sad to see a tree cut down. Consequently Christmas is terribly depressing for me.

Anyway, the bluebird has been sighted. To me, it is the Bluebird of Happiness.

To be continued.

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