Wednesday, April 22, 2009

PETA & The Chicken Dance

PETA - I don't know what to think about them sometimes. How can I be against any organization that is for the ethical treatment of animals. But sometimes they make themselves look silly by the things they do and say. They had a campaign last summer where they handed out flyers to school kids telling them their parents were murders if they fed them meat. that went over like a lead balloon. Recently, their president, Ingrid Newkirk, wanted to make some edible product flavored with George Clooney's sweat. That's just nuts. Clooney declined to participate. Big surprise. Now the latest is they are outraged over everyone at NASCAR race doing the chicken dance because the race was sponsored by Kentucky Fried Chicken, and KFC is cruel to chickens, which I believe they are. But no one is thinking about that when they are doing the chicken dance.

Personally, if I were at the NASCAR race, I would not do the chicken dance because I do think the KFC is cruel to chickens, but I don't think that condemning a harmless dance is the way to draw attention to cruelty to animals. Nor is it a way to gain respect for their organization.

I understand that PETA likes to make a splash, to keep themselves in the news, so maybe their tactics work to an extent. But there are consequences. PETA is on my site as one of the organizations that I donate to. I don't donate to them on a regular basis, but I have donated to them. I had a potential client tell me that when she saw PETA was on my site, she would never purchase from me. She thought of PETA as a terrorist organization.

If PETA is going to hurt my business, which is trying help animal welfare, they need to go. I haven't removed them yet, but I'm seriously thinking about it.

What do you think?

Talk to you later.


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